
Early in his childhood, Jacques Gratton (who was born in Montréal) developed a profound interest in photography. Under the influence of his father, himself a professional photographer for some time, he familiarized with the basic techniques of lighting and composition. Then began for him an entirely self-educated artistic course, guided by a real fascination for the art of photography and its followers, as well the great Masters as the most marginal representatives of the craft. Also impassioned by the natural science domain, he turned however to biology studies when came time to pursue higher education. He shares now his time between teaching and the practice of professional photography.

Dedicated portraitist, Jacques Gratton can see in his subject what makes him a unique human being. His mastering of black and white rendition contributes to enrich the definitely artistic character of his approach. Through forms, lights and textures, his portraits become moving and universal works of art.

Fascinated by nature and the great outdoors, the photographer has also produced seizing images of the Gaspé Coast. These celebrate of course the majesty of the landscape, but they also honour the simplicity, the authenticity of life close to the sea and turned towards the essence of life itself.

His work collects sometimes a moment, a season, a fleeting moment, but always, they seem to stop time so as to capture the Beauty and touch the hearts.

Andrée Tremblay, artist representative